3 Ways to Transform Nonprofit Staff Into Social Media Ambassadors

You want your staff to be as excited about your mission as you are. You know your nonprofit will benefit from having motivated employees that talk about your organization and share the vision. So, how do you get them talking, sharing and building your nonprofit online and beyond? Here are a few simple ways to transform your staff into brand ambassadors online.



  • Create a Hashtag:


6299980870_2d1c12425c_zMake it easy for your employees to share updates, images and events by creating a hashtag for your organization. Be creative with the hashtag and be sure that it can be used universally at every event and for every announcement. Encourage your staff to take pictures and get creative when posting online with the organization hashtag. Take Hootsuite for example: The company created #hootsuitelife, employees take photos of things on the job and post them to social media with the hashtag. This is creating quite a buzz and becomes almost a competition between staff to see who can post the best images or updates.


Here are a few more hashtag campaigns that we like:





The more your organization is talked about, the more people it will reach! Be sure to search Twitter and confirm your planned hashtag isn’t already in use!


2) Train Employees:

download (2)Employees may be concerned that sharing on social media could get them into trouble at work, and why wouldn’t they? We’ve all heard stories of employees facing consequences at work for their social media activity. In order for your hashtag to be successful, provide your employees with training to teach them how to use social media constructively. Employees need guardrails to help them feel safe when experimenting with new tools. Authentic, personal, positive communication on social media is the best kind of advertising, so help make it happen.


3) Identify Your Ambassadors:

Some employees will participate more than others, you’ll want to identify these people and give them some extra incentive to continue talking about your mission. Offer them things like free t-shirts, keychains, bumper stickers, etc with your logo or organization on them. These types of items will allow your employee to share your brand everywhere they go! The people who are most involved in sharing and discussing your mission are your Ambassadors, be on the lookout for these people, they love your vision almost as much as you do!
Sage70 can assist you and your employees in becoming brand ambassadors for your nonprofit. Call us today at 877-958-9758 or Click here to learn more about we can help!